Fostering Self-Efficacy and Individual Initiative

We can only be responsible for the impact of our lifestyles and behaviours on our health so long as adequate and reliable information regarding health-promoting and health-harming practices is at hand . The information alone does not suffice however, if we lack the confidence in our ability to establish new habits.

We can only grow our self-efficacy by acquiring skills and strategies necessary for lifestyle modification. Otherwise, our unreflected emotions, attitudes and beliefs could lead us to giving up the new behaviours early in the process.

A long health-span is significantly dependant on our daily choices and habits as executed for decades before the first symptoms of a disease. Physicians, therapists, nurses and other professionals in health-care do not generally determine our health-span. They are usually called into action only when a disease has already become manifest. Even then the therapeutical interventions contribute a mere 20% to the stabilisation or improvement of chronic diseases.

Thus, even though it is never too late to promote one’s own health, in this case it is definitely true that early individual initiative is beneficial. We all can improve and prolong our health by modifying our lifestyles. Health-promoting interventions and strategies that have been confirmed in independant and unbiased high-quality research are essential for this purpose. Unfortunately, for most of us it is not feasible to quickly find and identify such information when needed.

flexi MENTE Health and Resilience Coaching takes over this task for you. As your coach I recommend health-promoting behaviours, which are modified to you, and I support you along the way in their adoption within your everyday routines.


Koch, D., de Falco, A. A., Von Greyerz, S., Leutwyler, S., & Abel, B. (2016). Nationale Strategie Prävention nichtübertragbarer Krankheiten (NCD-Strategie) 2017–2024. In Bern: Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) und Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Gesundheitsdirektorinnen und-direktoren (GDK).

Robinson, P., Gould, D., & Strosahl, K. (2011). Real behavior change in primary care: Improving patient outcomes and increasing job satisfaction. New Harbinger Publications.