Business Address

flexi MENTE

Health & Resilience Coaching

Kantonsstrasse 7

4416 Bubendorf

Access by public transport

by train

Take the Waldenburgerbahn from Liestal railway station going in the direction Waldenburg till the halt Bad Bubendorf.

by bus

Take the bus line 70 or 71 from Liestal railway station going in the direction Reigoldswil. Coming from Basel, you can take the bus line 80 from Aeschenplatz. Independent of the bus line get off at the halt Bad Bubendorf.

by foot (ca. 8 min.) from the halt Bad Bubendorf
Cross the street and walk back towards Liestal passing the hotel Bad Bubendorf, the Garage Emil Werder AG and the construction site. Follow the right walkway along the fence of the construction site to the parking area of the Gewerbehaus Kantonsstrasse 7.

Access by car

A3 Zürich – Basel

exit Liestal > freeway A 22 > exit Waldenburg/Solothurn > after 3 km shortly before Bad Bubendorf turn left to the construction site and the Gewerbehaus Kantonsstrasse 7  > free parking spaces available in front of the house